Tuesday 2 July 2013

Wimbledon grunters and screechers

I quite enjoy Wimbledon but have little tolerance for those players who shriek, scream and grunt; usually the women. In one match recently Maria Sharapova was shrieking so loudly that the whole of SW19 would have been able to hear her.

What I ask is why on earth doesn't somebody stop her? Don't her opponents find it irritating and off-putting? They must do unless they themselves are screechers. Perhaps the reason people don't complain is that they fear the consequences of complaining about someone as massive in the game a Sharapova. You can't denounce her! Nor can you criticise the racket from Serena Williams, as she hits the ball with her racquet. (You see what I did there!)

Seriously though, what does the new generation of tennis players think? I hope that  both parents and coaches train the young players not to grunt and squeal. It is unsportsmanlike (there's no gender neutral term to use here) and even for the spectators it can be deeply annoying.

At the weekend Sharapova was interviewed in one of the Sunday magazines. The interviewer asked her why she screeched and shrieked. Sharapova's reply was illuminating as to the sort of person she is. So I shriek, she said, it's what I do and people will just have to get over it. Why didn't she just keep it simple and say that people can  f*** off?

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