Sunday 21 September 2014

We share the planet with animals - not ours to abuse

On Twitter, many organisations and individuals are involved in preventing animal cruelty. On Facebook too, there are many contributors concerned with preventing cruelty to animals as well as gaining convictions for those who somehow think they have the rightt to inflict cruelty on a sentient, living being Consequently, I see photographs and videos that people post online to show the world the true horror and scale of animal cruelty.

I will not describe the pictures to you here - I will spare you that horror, but I will say that the cruelty depicted of all sorts of animals suffering, and suffering so badly, stays with you. Once seen, you cannot unsee. Strangely though, I am glad that I have seen them. Those images stay with you and spur you on to do what you can to prevent animal cruelty. Shocking, chilling and even frightening though the images are,  and such a damning indictment on humanity, nevertheless, knowing what is happening creates groups of people who are determined to do all they can to prevent cruelty to one more animal.

Some people seem to labour under the delusion that animals are there for human use entirely, for those who so wish to abuse them because they are 'only animals.' Animals are sentient, feeling and often intelligent beings. If you have ever owned a dog and looked into its eye you will immediately understand that that dog has a soul and can be loyal, protective and tuned into your moods.

Such horrors happen to animals that we should all be ashamed of. How will history judge us? Bull fighting? Really? Did they allow that? Barbarians!

As Mahatma Ghandi said - 'The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats it animals.' Just so.

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