Thursday 19 March 2015

I no longer ...... That which I can no longer tolerate.

I believe I'm a pretty tolerant person. Having taught for 30 years I think I could claim that I've  experienced many different types of people. Apart from a very few, there was something redeemable in all of them - hence my justification to the claim of being a being a tolerant person.

Though it might seem rather grand, I would like to start with Schopenhauer, the German philosopher,  1788- 1860. Because he says it so well I am going to borrow his words on a topic I feel very strongly about and that is our treatment of animals. I can no longer bear to be in the company of someone who doesn't care about animals. Here goes Schopenhauer,

'Compassion for animals is intimately connected with goodness of character and it may be confidently asserted that he who is cruel to animals cannot be a good man.' 

Exactly! (Of course he means women too but in those days they always used the male person. We'll forgive him).

Also, I can no longer be bothered to try to make those who clearly don't like me, start to like me. I'm done - your loss. Arrogant? Maybe, but that is the truth of how I feel.

I can no longer bear to be in the company of those who are so keen to be perceived as politically correct that they ignore or deny the fact that gangs of Pakistani men groom, then sexually abuse young white girls. They do! The denial is cowardice and it prolongs the torture of the girls who, some say, have lost everything. They are empty shells after the abuse. They have no trust in the authorities as they have been ignored by the vey people who should have been protecting them.

I can no longer bear to listen to the unfounded nonsense some people (women) splurge, about how women are superior to men. It may be fashionable to say so, but to genuinely think that all women are superior to all men is patently stupid. As Doris Lessing said, 'It is now acceptable for the most stupid woman to insult the most intelligent and kind man.'

I can no longer bear to listen to those who trot out the party line unthinkingly. All disclaim racism, which is fine, except that, if the racism is towards Israeli Jewish then bizarrely, it is acceptable. It is as if there is an acceptability in 'hating' the Jews if they hail from Israel. Say what? Quite - nonsense.

I can no longer bear the attitude of people who do not believe in second chances, especially when the offender is young. I have met, in all my years in the classroom, no one who does not deserve a second chance. People change and often those who were the worst behaved, are those who, when given a second chance, make the most of that chance.

 There will be more of this, but, for now, I'll stop. (Need to allow my blood pressure to fall).

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