Friday 20 December 2013

Offensive People

This morning I was out with my dog. We were on our way back home, crossing a busy road. We were almost on the other side when a woman jumped in her car, a few feet away from us and slammed her huge car into reverse, not looking behind her, missing my dog's front paw by about six inches.

I shouted, 'Watch out! At this she got out of her car and told me, 'This is a fucking road!' She was waving her arms around and telling me I wasn't fit to be out on the fucking streets. I said nothing, too shocked to speak and also concerned about my dog, who appeared a little rattled.

At that moment, I noticed a couple, late thirties I'd guess, and they began asking me how I was and how my dog was. At this, the offender started imitating the couple, mocking them in a high baby voice  and saying why wasn't anyone asking her if she was alright. Very calmly and very unexpectedly, the man of the couple turned towards her, and in the most measured tone asked her, 'Why don't you eat shit and die?'


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