Sunday 23 June 2013

Shouter or Sulker?

So, that is the question. Which category do you fit into? I know where I fit - I'm a shouter. I fly off the handle quite easily, but have got better as the years have rolled on; better at not flying off the handle, I mean, rather than better at flying off the handle. What a strange expression that is. Whose or what handle are we flying off? Having now googled the expression I learn that it is American in origin. Apparently in pioneering times axes were handmade and it was not rare for an axe head to become detached from its handle. I'm sure people would have been strongly advised to keep a good distance from anyone using an axe.

Yes, I'm a shouter. I get annoyed and people know I'm annoyed because I shout. I only do this with family, trusting that they have enough affection for me to forgive my outburst and to realise that whatever I said was said in anger and so not true. (Well, not wholly true).

Once the shouting is over, and it never lasts for very long, I expect things to be back to normal immediately. Some people think that is unreasonable and maybe it is, but come on, life is short, we've said our piece, so what possible advantage could there be in not making amends straightaway?

Now, this is where the sulker comes in, ready and prepared for either a short, a medium or a loooong sulk. Sulking is powerful. It pervades the room, in fact the sulker's brooding presence permeates the whole house. The sulker knows this and while outwardly subdued, must, surely be metaphorically jumping for joy. The further effect on those around them is that it makes you want to weep in frustration, so in order to end this monstrosity of a sulk, you feel as if you want to beg them to stop. You say you're sorry, ask if you can talk things through; but this only grants the sulker increased turbo-sulk power. It's desperate, truly desperate....

Any thoughts on this topic would be very welcome.        

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