Sunday 9 June 2013


The other day I tuned in, by chance, to a rather high-brow radio programme in which several philosophers were discussing the concept of time. One philosopher put forward the thesis that there's no such thing as time. I thought about this for a while but couldn't really get a grasp on the idea of time being non-existent. What I am able to get a grip on though, is that time, as I understand it, marked by birthdays, Christmases, fashions, music and improving technology is very much a part of life.

I know this too; the older you get the faster time passes. According to the Bible, we are granted three score and ten years, a mere seventy multiplied by three hundred and sixty five - and that is the number of days due to you - a mere 25,550 days. Terrifying in its brevity! Of course the average lifespan has significantly improved but even so, there are not that many days available to us.

So common place, but nevertheless it bears repeating, that given so few days on this earth, we should value them more than we do. That said, it would be odd and unnatural  to spend our days in a state of gratitude and wonder. Instead it might be an idea to decide what we want to achieve and formulate a plan to work towards that aim.

Whatever the philosophers say as to whether time exists, or what time is, it is an absolute certainty that 'our time is but a shadow' and that it is important that we do something with our time, because it is finite and there's no escaping that. It is  indeed a short trip from the cradle to the grave.

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